Patient feedback

As well as being told when we do things well, we also need to know when things don’t go so well. We understand the importance of learning from people’s experiences and we welcome all feedback about the out of hours service. Whether you had a positive experience, or identified an opportunity for us to improve we want to hear from you.

Direct to the Local Team

  1. By post –  Administration Team, Manor Court Chambers, Townsend Drive, Attleborough Fields, Nuneaton, CV11 6RU
  2. By phone – 01926 359407 (Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 6pm)
  3.  By email –

Direct to our Head Office

Managing Director, Health Care Division, Practice Plus Group, Hawker House, 5-6 Napier Court, Napier Road, Reading. RG1 8BW


You can complain in writing, by email or by speaking to someone in the organisation.

You should make your complaint within 12 months of the incident, or within 12 months of the matter coming to your attention. This time limit can sometimes be extended as long as it is still possible to investigate your complaint. Anyone can complain, including young people. A family member, carer, friend, or your local MP can complain on your behalf with your permission.

If you prefer to not to contact us directly

Contact the commissioner of the service: this is the organisation that paid for the service or care you received. If you are unsure which NHS commissioner paid for the service, please contact the service, which will be able to provide this information. Complaining to the commissioner may be the right option if you are not comfortable complaining direct to your healthcare provider, or if you feel this is not appropriate.


As all patients have a right to confidentiality, if a complaint is received from a patient’s relative, carer or  friend, the patient will be contacted and asked to sign a consent form. If a patient is under the age of 16, their representative (eg parent) will be asked to sign the consent form. Where a patient lacks capacity to give their consent, or where a patient has passed away, our Quality Team will contact the patient’s relative, carer or friend to discuss consent options.


Queries submitted during week-ends are not monitored. Our mailbox is only monitored during normal office hours. If you have any queries regarding patient symptoms, appointment times, etc, please call 111.